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NinjaOne Devices to Halo Assets

This example shows how you can use the NinjaOne module and the HaloAPI module to link existing Halo assets to NinjaOne devices. This is useful if you want to prevent duplicate device creation in Halo when using the NinjaOne integration.


You'll need both of these modules installed and you'll need to have connected to both in the PowerShell session you use to run this script.

Dry run

The script supports a dry run mode that will show you what would happen if you ran the script without the dry run flag. To run the script in dry run mode, use the -ReportOnly flag. This will report on the devices that would be linked, but won't actually link them.

NinjaOne Devices to Halo Assets
This script utilises the NinjaOne API to retrieve device information and then updates assets in Halo matching by serial number. Requires that your current session has an active connection to the NinjaOne API (see for more information on how to do this) and the Halo API (see for more information on how to do this).
2024-01-15: Extracted from internal scheduled task
# Report only - do not update assets in Halo
# Try and get devices from NinjaOne
try {
# Filter out devices with default serial numbers and null serial numbers.
$NinjaOneDevices = Get-NinjaOneDevices -detailed | Where-Object {
$_.system.serialNumber -ne '$(DEFAULT_STRING)' -and $_.system.serialNumber -ne 'Default string' -and $_.system.serialNumber -ne $null -and $_.system.serialNumber -ne 'To Be Filled By O.E.M.' -and $_.system.serialNumber -ne 'chassis serial number' -and ![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.system.serialNumber)
} catch {
Write-Warning "Could not retrieve devices from NinjaOne."
Write-Warning $_
exit 1
# Try and get assets from Halo
try {
$HaloAssets = Get-HaloAsset -columns_id 5
} catch {
Write-Warning "Could not retrieve assets from Halo."
Write-Warning $_
exit 1
# Loop through Halo assets and try and match them with NinjaOne devices
foreach ($Asset in $HaloAssets) {
Write-Verbose ('Checking asset {0} ({1})' -f $Asset.inventory_number, $
# Grab the Halo serial number field
$HaloSerialNumberField = $Asset.fields | Where-Object { $ -eq 'Serial Number' }
$NinjaDevice = $NinjaOneDevices | Where-Object { ($_.system.serialNumber -eq $HaloSerialNumberField.value) -or ($_.system.serialNumber -eq $Asset.inventory_number) }
if ($null -ne $HaloSerialNumberField.value) {
$SerialNumber = $HaloSerialNumberField.value
} elseif ($null -ne $Asset.inventory_number) {
$SerialNumber = $Asset.inventory_number
} else {
Write-Warning ('Could not find serial number for asset {0} ({1})' -f $Asset.inventory_number, $
if ($NinjaDevice.Count -gt 1) {
Write-Warning ('Found multiple NinjaOne devices with serial number {0} - skipping...' -f $SerialNumber)
} elseif ($NinjaDevice) {
if ($ReportOnly) {
Write-Host ('Matched Halo asset {0} ({1}) with NinjaOne device {2} ({3})' -f $SerialNumber, $, $NinjaDevice.systemName, $ -ForegroundColor Blue
} else {
Write-Verbose ('Matched Halo asset {0} ({1}) with NinjaOne device {2} ({3})' -f $SerialNumber, $, $NinjaDevice.systemName, $
# If the Halo asset has a NinjaOne device ID, skip it
if ($Asset.ninjarmm_id) {
Write-Warning ('Asset {0} ({1}) already has a NinjaOne device ID - skipping...' -f $SerialNumber, $
} else {
# Update the asset in Halo with the NinjaOne device information
try {
Set-HaloAsset -Asset @{ id = $; ninjarmm_id = $ }
} catch {
Write-Warning "Could not update asset in Halo."
Write-Warning "$_"
} else {
Write-Warning ('Could not find NinjaOne device with serial number {0} - skipping...' -f $SerialNumber)

Running the script

First you'll need to connect to both the NinjaOne and HaloAPI modules. You can do this by running the commands documented in the NinjaOne and HaloAPI modules.

For a dry run of the script, run the following command:

.\Invoke-NinjaOneDevicesToHaloAssetsSync.ps1 -ReportOnly

To actually link the devices, run the following command:


You can use the -Verbose flag to see more information about what the script is doing.